Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Demon's Ink by Kimbra Kasch

Drake and Bartos come to the Pacific Northwest, where they open yet another tattoo shop but Bartos has no trouble dealing with the competition because there’s nothing normal about his art. And he’s stealing more than clients from the local skin artists. He's stealing their souls. 
Customers fall in love with Bartos Slinderman’s tats but end up paying the ultimate price for their purchase because unlike Oscar Wilde’s Dorian Gray, they can’t walk away from this art and it’s beautiful until it comes crawling out of their flesh to devour the nearest thing...

Hi everyone! I'm a new romance writer and want to introduce myself.

I’m sure you’re a friendly bunch of people and that can be hard to find, especially out in the writing world.

Anyway, here's a little bit about me. I grew up in a family with 9 kids and 1 t.v. so I spent my days reading and, later, writing. I've always loved books. . .maybe partly because I never got to pick the t.v. shows we watched. Although I would run home from school every afternoon so I could watch the last fifteen minutes of Dark Shadows...

I still love to run...or at my age, maybe I should call it wogging (kind of a cross between walking and jogging). I get a group of girls together for community fund raising wogs...like the Run Like Hell, here in Portland, which is a Halloween themed run - where people don costumes and run. It's just a lot of fun...and I know those two words don't always go together: fun...and...run. But it is.

And, with those Halloween themed runs, I guess Dark Shadows had more of an influence than some people might think. Even today my favorite author is Stephen King. My all-time favorite book is Salem's Lot.

Favorite romance novels are The Hunger Games...okay, I know, it's a book about survival but it's really all about romance. Then there were the Twilight Books, The Fifty Shades books, and lots of others but I also really love paranormal, Horror and even light little books like Dewey the Small Town Library Cat... Mainly, I just love to read. . . and write.

I've just recently had my first novel published and am looking for ways to share it with the world. It's a story I was inspired to write after visiting Hamlet's Castle and seeing an enormous Viking statue down in the tunnels next to the dungeons.

Anyway, I'm hoping some of you will help make me feel at home here...because really I'm very shy...I know, no one believes me when I say that, but it's true.

Sorry to be so long-winded but did I say I love to write? ...and talk and...knit, and sew, and bake...see I could go on and on but I'll close by saying, I hope you all will stop by now and then to check out what’s new in my writing world. But I can tell you now that I have a young adult horror novel coming out in July: Demon’s Ink.

So thanks for stopping by and for listening.

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